
Who Am I? ( Written by Nina-Vision)

I have dreads, I have long hair, and I have short curly hair... Who am I...? My skin tones brown, white, dark skin, and even tanned. Who am I? I have my ears pierced and sometimes I don’t. I believe in earrings and then I don’t. Whenever I could wash my body I do, but when I have unlimited access I don't use it correctly... I have to walk to my nearest groceries or place to get food... But on those good days I can find a ride with the nearest neighbor. I carry my child if I could. My body is weak; I work every day just to survive out in the world. My children will soon understand. The true meaning of work and struggle. The value of my money wills b more...ONE DAY... I'm working harder and getting paid less..... I am a citizen of this country, we have voting, we have rights, some of them don't even matter.... Who am I??
I'm watching my world crumble because around here people don't. Understand recycling, and I abuse everything I can.... Who I am I am you...

Written by Nina-Vision

Some Updated.

Heres a Couple of Random Videos That I have been Posting on My Youtube Www.Youtube.com/msninavision

Shout out to my Zone Out Boys

ThisisFocusTV & NinaVision


S/O To Marv Milly

Shout out to my boy Marv Milly In his freestyle.
He shouted out NinaVision in his freestyle..

Add him on Twitter : Twitter.com/Marv_Milly

Quote of the day.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.-Jim Rohn

Another video I was in.

Tryfle "My Bad" Offical Video
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